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Take a look at the year ahead at St. Bernards Residential Care


There is always something to look forward to !

Careful planning and organisation is involved when holding any activities or events at St Bernards Residential Care. Alongside our usual activity favourites, at the beginning of every year key events are mapped out to ensure our residents always have something special to look forward to. These events usually surround a theme where food, entertainment, and setting are all components to for these ‘Can’t be Missed’ moments at our home.

Take a look at what we have in store for the rest of the year!

fete advert

June Key dates

4th – Nursery visit

6th – World Crochet Day

13th – Birmingham City Mission visit

14th – Nursery visit

15th – Paul Wilkins ancestry reading

16th – Father’s Day celebration

18th – David Knowles talks

19th – Wilson Vale Strawberry taster table

20th – Nursery visit

25th – Andrew Cockerill live singing

26th – Nursery visit

30th – St Bernard’s in Bloom – Open Gardens


Olton Friary Mass – Date TBC

Weekly Minibus Trips

July Key dates

2nd – Nursery visit

3rd – David Knowles talks

         Wimbledon 2024

4th – American Independence Day

5th – Euro 2024

6th – Paul Wilkins ancestry

7th – World Chocolate Day

10th – Clothing Pop-up shop

11th – Birmingham City Mission

12th – Nursey Visit

14th – Bastille Day

16th – Ice-cream Day

18th – Nursery Visit

20th – Summer Fete 2024

23rd – Andrew Cockerill entertainment

24th – Cookie making

30th – International Day of Friendship

Olton Friary Mass – date TBC



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