Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Platinum Celebrations

Summer 2022

Here at St Bernards, keeping up with all the latest news and events that happen throughout the year is a massive part of our home, we want the St Bernards to be an exciting place for all our residents with lots to look forward too.

The Queens Jubilee

With summer finally arriving and the sun shining, we kicked off June with a bang

Celebrating the queen’s jubilee, this entailed a week’s worth of activities, teas, cakes, being around family and friends. We celebrated the trooping of colours before the big celebrations, with an array of different home baked cakes and tea, beautiful decorations, and lots of chatting.

On the Saturday we celebrated our Queens Platinum Jubilee in style. It was a very special day for us all, having been the first time the homes doors finally opened to all residents’ families and friends, since covid had started. It was a truly special day not only celebrating the jubilee but being able to celebrate with family and friends, whilst indulging on home-made cakes made in house by our chef Cristina.

It was a beautiful and exciting week for everyone and a week to remember!


Please call us to make an appointment

Please call our reception at 0121 708 0177 to make an appointment to visit your loved one.
We look forward to seeing you all again!


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